luni, 15 august 2011

Petite Anglaise

  "Anyone could create his or her own little outpost on the Internet in a matter of clicks, according to the how-to articles I found. Maybe I could start a blog, I thought to myself. I'm offten trapped in front of a computer screen with nothing much else to do.It might be fun. Why even not?
[...] All I needed now was a title. I liked the idea of writing under a nom de plume, not because I had anything much to hide, but because it seemed to be an unwritten rule of the game. The name Petite Anglaise popped into my head immediately, along with an explanatory subtitle, The diary of an English Thirtysomething in Paris.
   Creating a blog was astonishingly simple: in a few short, sharp clicks I signed up for an account, named my blog, and chose a rudimentary template. In a matter of seconds my alter ego was born. All that remained now was to dream up something to actually write about.
   It would be a harmless hobby, I thought to myself - my jardin secret, my virtual playground. Little did I know I had just unleashed a force which, within less than a year, would turn my life, and the lives of those dearest to me, inside out"

Petite Anglaise - Catherine Sanderson

Azi m-am hotarit sa va recomand o carte, o poveste adevarata in fapt,  povestea unei englezoaice care traieste in Franta.
Catherine are un job in Paris, un partener francez sarmant, o fetita bilingva adorabila si un apartament cu o vedere de invidiat. Totul se schimba in jurul ei in momentul in care citeste un articol despre un jurnal online (asta se intimpla prin 2004) si decide sa-si faca propriul blog.
Petite Anglaise este de fapt o compilatie a postarilor ei, vreme de un an, un an si ceva, diferenta fiind ca a incercat sa repovesteasca intreaga aventura umplind cumva golurile din spatiul virtual.
Nu este o lectura grea, o incadrez fara dubiu la categoria subtire de vara, insa nici nu ti se dezlipeste de mina. La asta mai adaug si imaginile pariziene mestesugit descrise si farmecul autoarei.
M-a incintat lectura si din perspectiva unui expat (un subiect de actualitate si de maxim interes pentru mine. Oare de ce ??!!), iar faptul ca dupa ce-am terminat cartea m-am oprit intr-un manual de franceza menit sa-mi improspatez sertarul de franceza din creierasul prafuit, m-a facut sa recomand cu toata inima acest roman.
Chiar daca descrierea mea nu v-a convins, aruncati-va o privire peste Petite Anglaise, ca tot mai e vacanta si nu vreti sa cititi ceva foarte pretios.
Va spuneam ca este o poveste adevarata,  blogul lui Catherine este cel care sta la baza cartii.

Bonne lecture et a bientôt!

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In care ...

 Ce ani au trecut de cind am deschis primul blog pe o platforma romaneasca, apoi un altul si altul si apoi inca unul. Si le-...